Laser Battle
Kuala Lumpur
Games brings people together hence the reason why we have the Olympic Games. There are many types of games that one can indulge in. One of them that is a lot of fun and at the same time gives participants a good workout is a battle themed game called laser tag. Laser tag is a battle or war type game. In this game participants use guns that shoot infrared beams at infrared receivers that are securely placed on the vest of other participants.

Laser Battle at Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.
We recently visited Berjaya Time Square in Kuala Lumpur for a game of laser tag at Laser Battle Kuala Lumpur. We were broken into teams of three. The teams will then battled each other. Each battle has a winning team and a losing team. The winning team will go on to the next round. It takes a few rounds of battle to determine the team rankings and thus the winners.

A briefing before the games.
Before the games begin we were briefed on how the guns and the vests work. We were also told what to do and what not to do such as “no physical attacks.” After the briefing we posed for a team photo, and entered a room where we were given our vests and guns. We were further briefed on the format of the game that we were about to play. With that done, the doors slide open and the battle started.

Putting on out battle gear in a room.
Dark And Maze Like
The battle area is dark with little light. It is also like a maze and we had to make our way around the maze while hunting down our targets (participants of the other team). We hid at various places and shot at our opponents. And when danger is near we made a dash for safety. Of course they too did the same. There is a lot of running, chasing down opponents, as well as running from opponents.

This television televises the battle area in real time.
Game Configurations
There are fifty five games modes to choose from and we had three. The first mode is quite simple. Teams can clearly see each other. The infrared receivers on the vests of both teams are in different colours. This helps the participants to identify friend and foe. Also on this round participants will only be able to shoot at the opponents which means, no friendly fire. All we had to do was to look out for participants with different coloured infrared receivers and shoot them.

Laser battle time. Participants running about hunting down (and trying to avoid getting shot) opponents.
The second mode is slightly tougher. This time friendly fire is allowed. This means that participants can shoot their own team mates and points will be deducted. Participants are still able to identify friend and foe from the different coloured infrared receivers on the vests worn.
The third and final mode that we played is the toughest (amongst the three modes chosen for us to play). As with the second mode, friendly fire is allowed. In this mode the infrared receivers on all vests are of the same colour. This makes the game really tough. It is not easy identifying friend and foe in the dark. Points are added for every shot of members from the opposing. Even more points are deducted for shooting members of the same team.

A laser beam shot over my head as I took a photograph. It is tough to photoshoot and battle at the same time.
Laser Battle certainly is a fun game. It is also really tiring and somewhat exhausting. Personally, I did a lot of running, perhaps more than what I am used to. The next day my leg muscles were aching. This perhaps is a message for me to start exercising more regularly. Anyway, if you are in Kuala Lumpur with your friends, do give Laser Battle a try.

The door to the room where laser guns and vests are stored.
Address & Contact
Address: 07-90A, Level 7, Berjaya Times Square, No.1, Jalan Imbi (22.72 km), 55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Google Maps to Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur where Laser Battle Kuala Lumpur is located.
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