What Hotels Are Doing to Ensure Guests Of A Safe And Enjoyable Stay
Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur And Sunway Velocity Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Staying safe with Sunway Hotels in Kuala Lumpur
Sunway Velocity Hotel and Sunway Putra Hotel implement stringent protocols and new norms with Sunway Safe Stay.
With a new normalcy redefining the world and the hospitality and travel industry, the two Sunway Hotels in Kuala Lumpur have stepped up measures and intensified hygiene protocols to ensure both hotels are ready as domestic travel resumes and in the anticipation of the travel bubble(s) being formalised between governments.
To solidify its commitment, each hotel has implemented Sunway Safe Stay programme – which incorporates five (5) pillars of safety and hygiene comprising almost 30 protocols of heightened cleaning practices, assurance and standards of well-being.
Interview Between Escapy Travel Magazine (ETM) & Mr. Wilfred Yeo, Senior Group General Manager, Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur, and Mr. Kelly Leong, Senior General Manager, Sunway Velocity Hotel Kuala Lumpur – (Sunway Hotels KL)
ETM: Please elaborate further on the Sunway Safe Stay programme.
Mr. Wilfred Yeo: We have always prioritised a stringent cleaning protocol at all our hotels to help ensure guests and colleagues’ comfort. While we are aware about how people will choose to travel henceforth has changed, for us the fundamentals of a safe and protected stay will not. This initiative includes highly visible and more frequent cleaning and different methods in the preparation of food and beverage, all reinforced by our new Sunway Safe Stay commitment, ultimately focusing on providing a holistic experience for our guests with an emphasis on their well-being.
Mr. Kelly Leong: These protocols were in place at the onset of the outbreak in early January 2020 and will continue at all Sunway Hotels & Resorts properties, adhering to new standards and SOPs issued by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization. The Sunway Safe Stay programme builds on Sunway’s existing protocols and includes staff training and forming an advisory committee comprising medical experts from Sunway Medical Centre and industry professionals.
Note: to learn more about Sunway Safe Stay, please visit Sunway Hotels & Resorts’ website at https://www.sunwayhotels.com/sunway-safe-stay.
ETM: What safety measures have been put in place to ensure staffs (team members), third party suppliers, etc. are healthy or virus free (since members of staffs as well as suppliers will inevitably meet at one point in time or another and could spread the virus)?
Sunway Hotels KL: Starting from the entrance into each hotel, hand-held contactless thermometers are used to check all team members’ body temperatures at the designated entrances on a daily basis. Temperature checks and declaration forms are also in practice for all hotel vendors and contractors before entering the hotels premise.
In spaces where colleagues work ‘behind the scenes’, we have increased the daily frequency of cleaning all high-touch point areas such as staff entrances, locker rooms, laundry rooms, staff cafes and office spaces.
Social distancing is observed at all times with floor markers and seating arrangements one-metre apart at the staff restaurant, lounge, briefing areas and other related areas / zones.
We have also placed notices and information related to COVID-19 to remind hotel team members to follow strict personal hygiene. Team member briefings are conducted at every change of shift with greater emphasis on Sunway Safe Stay protocols.

Sanitizing of rooms to ensure the safety of our guests.
ETM: What safety measures have been put in place for guests to ensure their safety in areas where there usually are crowds such as the lobby, F&B outlets, entertainment areas, activity areas (gym, sauna, pool, games room, etc.), etc?
Sunway Hotels KL: Guests are requested to wear their own face masks at all times when they are in the hotels’ indoor premises such as the hotel lobby, all indoor public areas, and function rooms. At all hotel entrances including the main lobby and meeting venues, guest have to first go through a temperature check, scan relevant QR code for contact tracing purposes and complete a health and travel declaration form for those who are checking in to the hotel.
The hotel also sanitises all guest luggage with medical grade disinfectants upon arrival at the lobby entrance. Floor markers at queuing areas like the front desk ensure that social distancing is observed at all times. In addition, furniture in public areas, lobbies, restaurants and lounges around the hotel has been rearranged to maintain social distancing guidelines.
Both hotels have also implemented partition screens at the front desk to provide an added level of precaution and comfort for guests and staff. Guests are encouraged to use the hotel’s contactless services which includes express check-out to facilitate ease of departure and also e-wallet payments where available. Guest room key cards will be disinfected before and after usage.
All hotel employee front liners are required to wear protective masks; housekeeping staff and those who are handling luggage delivery and food and beverage are required to wear disposal gloves as well.
The Fitness Centre at Sunway Putra Hotel is limited to three (3) persons per 45-minute session and the swimming pool remains closed until further notice. Over that Sunway Velocity Hotel, fitness centre is limited to two (2) persons per 45-minute session. Both fitness centres are sanitised after each session and deep cleaned twice a day. The swimming pool at Sunway Velocity Hotel permits up to a maximum of eight (8) persons per 45-minute session. Advanced booking will be required to use these facilities.

Sanitizing of gym equipment, making it safe for our guests.
ETM: What safety measures have been put in place for guests to ensure their safety in confined small spaces such as lifts for example; since guests (as well as staffs) use them all the time?
Sunway Hotels KL: The hotels have increased the frequency of daily cleaning at all public areas, especially for high-touch point areas located at the lobbies, counters at the front desk, elevators (including elevator buttons), door handles, handrails, and public bathrooms. We also placed anti-bacterial hand sanitisers throughout the hotels for all guests and colleagues to use frequently.
In the elevators, safety instructions, including the number of guests allowed at one time, is placed inside the elevators. The elevator floor has been clearly marked with directions, so that guests do not face each other and maintain proper social distancing.
The fitness centres in Sunway Putra Hotel and Sunway Velocity have open with stringent SOP and measures including mandatory temperature checks, placement of hand sanitisers, hourly intervals of equipment sanitisation, and end-day closure for deep-cleaning. We’re also limiting the number of guests in the fitness centre per 45-minute session, hence advanced booking is required.
ETM: What safety measures have been put in place for guests to ensure their safety in rooms? Rooms are constantly used by different people (guests) and we do not know if one of them is carrier of the virus.
Sunway Hotels KL: All guest rooms will go through a stringent deep-cleaning and sanitisation process that includes 10 high-touch point hygiene protocol on surfaces such as switches and electrical controls, door handles and knob, bathroom surfaces, telephone and remote controls, bed and bedding, bath amenities, hard surfaces, closet items, food & beverage cutlery and thermostats. Thereafter, a notification will be placed at the room door to indicate that proper cleaning and sanitising has been undertaken.
We have also removed items such as decorative pillows, bed runners, paper notepads, pens and guest directory. These items, including robes and room slippers can be supplied upon request.
We provide guests with the option to not allow any hotel staff members to enter their room during their stay if they wish. Housekeeping services has been modified, including the elimination of the daily cleaning service unless specifically requested by guests.

Rooms will cleaned and disinfected, with a card placed on door handles to let guests know that the rooms are safe.
ETM: What has your team prepared (hotel or resort) or done to ensure the safety of your guests in general?
Sunway Hotels KL: For general safety, hand-sanitising stations are placed throughout the hotel for guest convenience at entrance, reception, public areas and elevators. Health and hygiene reminders have been placed throughout the hotel including the guest rooms. These reminders also include the proper way to wear, handle and dispose of masks.
ETM: Are there any new SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that has been or that will be applied for the current situation as well as going forward?
Sunway Hotels KL: We have always prioritised a stringent cleaning protocol at all our hotels to help ensure the comfort of our guests and colleagues. Whilst we are aware that the way people travel has changed, for us, the fundamentals of a safe and protected stay have not. This initiative includes the practice of highly visible and more frequent cleaning measures and different methods to food and beverage; all reinforced by our new Sunway Safe Stay commitment which ultimately focuses on the holistic experience of our guests with a special emphasis on their well-being.
Sunway Putra Hotel and Sunway Velocity Hotel has implemented “new norms” best practices and policies to enhance its hygiene practices and protocols, in light of combating the spread of COVID-19. With new normalcy redefining the world and the hospitality industry, we have stepped up measures and intensified our hygiene protocols with the Sunway Safe Stay programme, an initiative which incorporates five (5) pillars of safety and hygiene comprising of almost 30 protocols of heightened cleaning practices, assurance, and wellbeing standards.
We continue to adjust food and beverage services in accordance with current food safety recommendations. Kitchen staffs continue to wear gloves and masks at all times when working or preparing food; in accordance with the stringent Food Safety Management System (FSMS) policy. Sterilisation of all chinaware, glassware and cutlery using high temperature washing equipment.
Depending on availability, guests can opt to order room service from the food and beverage outlets located at respective hotels which will be specially packed in a single-use container together with cutleries, and delivered right to their room door for hygiene and safety purposes.
ETM: Are there any new policies in place with the Corona Virus pandemic around? For an example cancelation policy, booking policies, etc. scenario1: If one person in the family is unhealthy (may or may not be due to the virus), will the whole group be turned away? Scenario 2: What if guests of the hotel brings guests who are not registered into the hotel?
Sunway Hotels KL: As part of the temperature screening upon entry, guest who registers a high temperature, showing symptoms of a fever, will be denied entry into the hotel. The hotel will assist guest with immediate medical assistance and containment protocol will be activated.
In response to the changing market conditions and travel restrictions, both hotels have accommodated guests who wish to change or cancel their reservations, and waived cancellation fees for hotel bookings. This applies (until further notification) to reservations made now or for any future arrival date, which can be changed or cancelled at no charge. However, any changes to existing reservations will be subject to availability and rate differences.
Guests who have made bookings via online travel agents or other third-party travel professionals, are advised to contact their booking provider for information on their policies. All guests staying in the hotel must be registered; as it forms part in parcel of the Innkeepers Act.
For events and meetings at Sunway Putra Hotel and Sunway Velocity Hotel, we strongly advise event organisers (EOs) to take necessary precautions when organising events at the hotels. To reduce the risk of community transmission, with the assistance of the hotels’ safety and security personnel; EOs will be required to carry out temperature screening, and be vigilant in ensuring that safety procedures are adhered to. Participants with respiratory symptoms such as cough or runny nose, including unwell individuals; will be denied entry.
EOs are to remind participants not to attend if they have recent travel history to affected countries, and to maintain a registration list of attendees. In addition to adhering to the guidelines set-forth by the local Ministry of Health, the hotels have designed meeting packages that observes these guidelines which includes social distancing measurements and set-up requirements; adhering to the current capacity of not more than 250 attendees per event.
ETM: What current measures are in place once a positive case is detected and confirmed?
Sunway Hotels KL: Sunway Hotels & Resorts’ provides each of our hotels real-time information, and support through Sunway Group’s Crisis Management Response and Recovery (CMRR) Team, providing round-the-clock assistance, and are on stand-by; prepared to act swiftly should there be a case at one of our hotels.
When alerted to a case of COVID-19 at one of our hotels; the hotel together with the Sunway Group’s Crisis Response and Recovery Team, will immediately activate the relevant protocols, and work in tandem with the local health authorities to obtain the facts and guidance on steps to take with both guests and staff.
We will undertake additional deep cleaning and disinfection across all common areas of the hotel as well as known areas where the said guest has been during their stay. In addition to that, the hotel will seal the guest’s room (e.g., preventing entry by staff or others) and undertake a room recovery protocol that is designed to sanitise and disinfect everything in the room including sanitising the air.
ETM: Who checks and verifies that the hotel has been regularly sanitised? Any authorities to monitor and what are the procedures?
Sunway Hotels KL: The Sunway Safe Stay programme builds on Sunway’s existing protocols, of which includes staff training, and the formation of an advisory committee comprising of medical experts from Sunway Medical Centre, and industry professionals. In addition to that; by late July / early August 2020, both hotels will have at least one person on property who is trained as a “hygiene” manager adhering to, and administrating to the new operational guidance and protocols.
These protocols were already in place on the onset of the outbreak in early January 2020 and will be continuously practised throughout all Sunway hotels, adhering to the new standards and SOPs issued by the Ministry of Health, and the World Health Organization.
ETM: What can guests look forward to when staying at your hotel or resort in times like this?
Sunway Hotels KL: COVID-19 has profoundly changed the way we live and as domestic travel resumes, we want to make sure that all guests feel confident that each facet of our commitment is designed to fit within the new normal, evolving our procedures in every area of our hotels for the safety and peace of mind of all parties concerned. We also have attractive promotions in place.
Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur features three (3) room deals – the 15% Off Best Available Rate (BAR), Stay 3 Pay 2 and the Buy Now & Stay Later Offers.
*Note: For room bookings, please call at the reservations directly at Tel: +603 4040 9888, Email: spkl.reservations@sunwayhotels.com or visit https://www.sunwayhotels.com/sunway-putra. For more details on the hotel’s offers, visit https://www.sunwayhotels.com/sunway-putra/offers/room-offers
Sunway Velocity Hotel has three (3) offers with 50% off Best Available Rate (BAR), the newly launched Stay & Shop and Stay, Shop & Screen packages that include benefits from Sunway Velocity Mall and Sunway Medical Centre Velocity.
*Note: For room bookings, please call reservations directly at Tel: +603 2726 3991, Email: svkl.reservations@sunwayhotels.com or book directly on the hotel’s website at https://www.sunwayhotels.com/sunway-velocity. For more details on the hotel’s offers, visit https://www.sunwayhotels.com/sunway-velocity/offers/room-offers
With the resumption of interstate travel within Malaysia, Malaysians can take advantage of the personal income tax relief of RM1,000.00 on expenditure related to domestic tourism and hotel accommodation; adding on another reason to enjoy holidays locally. The period for claiming the income tax relief of RM1,000.00 incurred on domestic travel expenses has been extended to 31 December 2021.
Also announced as part of the National Economic Recovery Plan by the Malaysian government in June 2020, a service tax exemption on accommodation and related services has been extended to 30 June 2021. Hotel rates are now quoted nett in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) inclusive of a 0% service tax. Additionally, an exemption of tourism tax (TTx) will be given to all foreign tourists staying at any accommodation in Malaysia until 30 June 2021.
Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur
100 Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Google Maps to Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Sunway Velocity Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Lingkaran SV, Sunway Velocity, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 2726 3988
Google Maps to Sunway Velocity Kuala Lumpur.